We would like to thank you sincerely for your participation in the city picnic. Thanks to your presence and enthusiasm, we managed to create an unforgettable atmosphere full of joy and fun.
We would especially like to thank all the children who participated with such commitment in the competitions and games prepared especially for them. We congratulate the winners and encourage you to see photos from the picnic and the works of the awarded children.
We hope that participation in the picnic was a pleasant experience for you and we invite you to future events.
Winners of 1 age category
Nikiel Marcel KL. III
Hrycyszyn Brajan kl. I
Kniażewicz Pola kl. III
Ambryszewska Julia kl. IV
Nowicki Kamil kl. I
Rekowski Szymon kl. III
Winners of the 2nd age category
Nikdem Sołtys
Nikodem Nikiel
Stefaniia Bulka
Piotr Grzywacz
Oliwia Sokołowska
Marta Bulka